08 iunie 2012

A fost odata si nu ma e niciodata : ISEH / ROMSEH Focsani (1)

Fabrica e nascuta din actiunea de industrializare fortata initiata in anii 65-70 , iar produsele din programul de fabricatie au fost de conceptie romaneasca . Utilajele  din dotare erau in marea lor majoritate de fabricatie romaneasca . Si produsele si utilajele sufereau de un nivel scazut de competivitate , insa tineau ocupati oamenii din zona. 

Astfel de uzine din Balcani erau in functiune, spre exemplu , in fosta Jugoslavie si in Bulgaria, insa produsele se fabricau sub licente occidentale, iar tehnologiile si utilajele erau tot din occident.Bulgaria livra in anii 86-87 aprope 1 milion de distribuitoare hidraulice anual in fosta URSS.

Politica comunist-nationalista din anii 70-80 au omorat industria romaneasca - prin lipsa de calitate a conceptiei si fabricatiei la care se adauga decisiv managementul comercial defectuos, nelegat de cerintele pietei .O industrie nascuta ne-natural a disparut fie in flacarile venite din senin sau din rasarit  , fie a fost desfiintata de terminatori .In cazul ISEH/ROMSEH ambele cauze au contribuit la disparitia fabricii lui Veber .

ZIARUL DE VRANCEA a publicat un documentar despre parjolul din 1991 de la ROMSEH S.A. Focsani 

"Intreprinderea de Scule si Elemente Hidraulice Focsani a reprezentat virful industriei vrincene inainte de Revolutie. 6.480 de persoane munceau in 1990 la ISEH, cu aproape 4.000 mai multi decit in anii 80. Dupa Revolutie, fabrica din Sud a fost marcata de o serie de framintari, care s-au
incheiat cu catastrofa din 25 octombrie 1991, atunci cind hala noua si o magazie au ars, iar trei muncitori au murit."

 " ISEH era o componenta “grea” in constructia de masini din Romania. Dupa cum ne-a povestit directorul din anii ‘80, Laurentiu Veber, intreprinderea a fost infiintata in 1973 si a trecut prin diferite etape de dezvoltare in anii ’80, cu o investitie de 1,8 miliarde de lei la vremea respectiva, adica peste 78 de milioane de dolari la cursul perioadei. A fost construita hala noua, ce avea o suprafata de 38.000 mp, alaturi de hala
veche – cu o suprafata de 19.000 mp. Toata fabrica se intindea pe o suprafata de 10 hectare. Inginerul Veber ne-a povestit despre perioada dedezvoltare a fabricii, dar si despre problemele aparute in incinta in anii ‘80, cind au avut loc mai multe incendii. “In 1991, cind a avut loc incendiul devastator, nu mai eram director, dar fabrica trecea printr-o perioada nefasta, cu multe framintari. Se anuntau disponibilizari, iar starea de spirit nu era prea buna. In anii ’80 s-au produs multe incendii, dar oamenii au intervenit foarte repede. Imi aduc aminte ca in noaptea de 31 august/1septembrie 1986, a luat foc o vopsitorie."

“Dupa plecarea mea am sperat ca lucrurile vor merge mai bine. Cind am auzit de foc, am ajuns in
jumatate de ora acolo si ma uitam cum o masina de pompieri de la uzina a luat foc. Stiam ca acoperisul este construit din polistiren expandat si am banuit ce se va intimpla. Oamenii iesisera din fabrica si se uitau la flacarile imense”, ne-a relatat Veber. Acesta detine de altfel si caseta video a dezastrului de la ISEH, care a fost studiata la vremea respectiva si de catre cei de la SRI, intrucit s-a vorbit mult la de un posibil sabotaj la ISEH. Dealtfel, Veber povesteste ca a fost intrebat de multi cum a reusit sa dea foc la fabrica. “A fost doar o actiune industriala nefericita, in urma careia 3.000 de oameni au ramas pe drumuri. In perioada de glorie aveam 400 de ingineri si subingineri si opt ateliere de proiectare. Aveam un munte de arhiva, iar fabrica ajunsese sa produca mult. Dupa incendiu au mai ramas foarte putine”

17 mai 2012

Comatrol introduces hydraulic proportional flow divider

 Comatrol has introduced the PFD10-OD Proportional Flow Divider for compensated flow sharing between two motors or hydraulic circuits. This circuit-saver solution takes the input flow and delivers precise flow management, providing engineers with a new tool for distributing flow on their applications.

The PFD10-OD is an electro-proportional, compensated, normally open, flow dividing, pre-engineered HIC. When there is no current applied to the coils, the inlet flow is divided equally between the work ports A and B, with flows to 40 lpm (10.7 rpm). The flow ratio between the 2 ports will proportionally vary as current is provided to the coils (from 0 to 40 lpm out each work port). The valve’s internal pressure compensation of both work ports provide the precise, repeatable and load-independent flow control to both work ports / circuits.

26 ianuarie 2012

SAUER - DANFOSS : New DDC20 Axial Piston Pump

New DDC20 Axial Piston Pump

Press Release – For Worldwide Release: December 2, 2011

Sauer-Danfoss Launches New 20 cm³ Direct Displacement Control (DDC) Pump

Best-in-class efficiency, compact design and wide range of options make DDC20 the flexible, low-noise solution for wide array of small equipment

OSAKA, Japan, December 2, 2011 – Sauer-Danfoss Inc. (NYSE:SHS). Sauer-Danfoss is pleased to introduce the DDC20 — a new 20 cm³ direct displacement control pump — to their lineup of pumps and motors for transmissions on mobile equipment. As the most compact pump on the market, the DDC20 offers unparalleled efficiency, low noise and the flexibility to perform in a wide array of light-duty equipment applications.
“We developed the DDC20 pump to be one of the most versatile and well-balanced compact pumps on the market,” said Toshihiro Naruse, Product Marketing Manager for Sauer-Danfoss. “With its expanded functionality, excellent total efficiency, low noise and easy installation, we believe the DDC20 is a significant contribution to overall vehicle design.” The DDC20 pump can be applied with most Sauer-Danfoss low speed high torque motors as well as axial piston motors such as Series 40 and LK motors.

Compact Design

At 183.5 mm, the DDC20 has the shortest length of any comparable pump on the market, simplifying circuit design and allowing for easy installation in even the most space-constrained OEM equipment. The DDC20 ensures ample room around the pump, which is typically the most significant design restriction many engineers face when developing compact machines.
“Today’s engine compartments are filled with more components than ever before, making compact design a must,” said Toshihiro. “The DDC20 is not only the most compact pump on the market, but also has the highest power density on the market, making it well-suited for everything from zero-turn mowers, small rollers, sweepers, utility vehicles, sprayers, trenchers, compact tractors and more.”

Best-in-Class Efficiency

The DDC20 boasts best-in-class efficiency without compromising performance. Its male slipper design reduces friction on both the piston and the bore of the cylinder block, which works to reduce oil temperature, improve fuel efficiency and extend oil life, resulting in better overall efficiency.
“As we listen to our OEM customers, efficiency always seems to be at the forefront of their minds, because it equates to overall productivity of their equipment,” said Toshihiro. “We took that sentiment back to our product development team, and they designed the most efficient compact pump on the market.”

Lower Noise and Vibration

Through simulation analysis, Sauer-Danfoss has optimized the valve plate design of the DDC20 in order to reduce noise to 78.5 dBa while operating at 200 bar, 2000 rpm — a level equivalent to the Sauer-Danfoss LPV25 pump, which boasts best-in-class noise reduction. The DDC20 is also designed with a journal bearing in the trunnion, which helps to reduce operating vibration and ensure comfortable human-machine interface.
“Transmissions are typically installed directly below where an operator is sitting, so noise and vibration can often be a big disturbance, impeding productivity,” said Toshihiro. “The journal bearings on the DDC20 help to reduce resonance between the redesigned valve plate and the linkage to the vehicle, which results in quiet operation and lower vibration, keeping the operator comfortable and productive.”

Wide Range of Options

The DDC20 is available with a wide range of options, including various high pressure relief valves, providing OEM vehicle designers the flexibility to use it with an array of motor combinations. With an optional auxiliary pad, the DDC20 also accommodates future conversions and additional components.
The available loop flushing and bypass valves promote ease of use and reliability, allowing a machine or load to be moved without rotating the pump shaft or engine. Additionally, the valves ensure long oil life, satisfying the higher cooling demands and the challenging contamination levels of today’s equipment.
“The DDC20 is meant to stimulate the imaginations of equipment designers while simplifying the installation and integration process,” said Toshihiro. “Its wide range of options coupled with its compact size and power density ensure it can be incorporated into any design, while providing the performance end users demand.”

About Sauer-Danfoss

Sauer-Danfoss Inc. is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture, and sale of engineered hydraulic and electronic systems and components for use primarily in applications of mobile equipment. Sauer-Danfoss, with 2010 revenues of approximately $1.6 billion, has sales, manufacturing, and engineering capabilities in Europe, the Americas, and the Asia-Pacific region.

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